Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How to Get Fresh Vending Careers

In a tough job market, it’s essential that you stand out from the crowd in just the right ways in order to make your job search successful. Your résumé should be tailored just right and most importantly your cover letter should be structured and written in such a way that you are an obvious choice for your potential employer. This may mean re-writing your cover letter for each and every job that you apply for. However, if that is the price you pay for getting that job you need then it’s worth the effort.
Let’s take a look at a company that is hiring right now and how you might structure a résumé and cover letter to properly sell yourself as an employee to a specific company.
Step One – The Résumé
Preparing your résumé for the interview should be relatively easy and quick. Simply read through it and make sure that your mission statement and/or objectives are in line with the company’s philosophy. For example if you have been applying for jobs in advertising, you might want to add that your goal is to work for a company that has a focus on healthy or natural products since that is Fresh Vending’s niche. Remember- ideally you want to keep your résumé to one page only. That means that you may have to pick and choose what you put on there, so pick things that are pertinent to the company’s nice market as well. For example if you won an award for physical fitness or supporting an anti-malnutrition campaign, you might want to include that over an victory in a math competition; it’s more pertinent.
Step Two – The Cover Letter
A little known fact is that your cover letter often has a lot bigger influence on an employer’s hiring decision than your résumé. The reason for that is when it comes down to it most every qualified employee’s résumé is going to look the same. The cover letter is going to be your chance to make yourself stand out and really let the potential employer get to know you before you ever meet face to face. Again, you are going to want to make sure that you maintain a focus on what is going to be important to the company – in this case natural and organic foods and/or anti-obesity campaigns. Make sure you relate your own experiences to company values in your cover letter. Remember – you don’t have to be spot-on in every way to be the right candidate, you just have to prove that you can have a connection. Even if you are carrying a couple of extra pounds, you might relate a goal of overcoming that problem to your potential for the position at the company. You never know what might work – remember, keep trying!
